Low Light CombatFree download

100% Free & Open Source

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Light is your weapon

Low Light Combat is a free competitive multiplayer shooter where light is your only weapon. Matches take place during a rapidly changing day and night cycle, meaning your fast paced fights quickly become tense and thrilling battles of wit.

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  • Feature

    Competitive multiplayer

    Low Light Combat is a free competitive multiplayer shooter where light is your only weapon. Matches take place during a rapidly changing day and night cycle, meaning your fast paced fights quickly become tense and thrilling battles of wit.

  • Feature

    Time is your life

    In LLC, your health, ammo, and stamina are all tied to a single resource: Time. That means everything from firing your weapon and taking damage, to sprinting and shining your flashlight will all deplete your time. To replenish your time you must either defeat other players, or touch the reactor found in the middle of the map. But you must act fact because time... is fleeting..

  • Feature

    Free & open source

    LLC is completely open source, so if you want to dive headfirst into the project file and learn how we did what we did, you can do so. Regardless of if you're a big name developer or a hobbyist programmer, any and all can learn from Low Light Combat.

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Join the community

You can join the growing Low Light Combat across all your favorite social platforms, so why not dive in, we’d love to see you there!